Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
Problem: Feline lower urinary tract disease is the term used for a variety of conditions that affect a cat’s bladder and urethra. Feline lower urinary tract disease is most commonly seen in middle-aged, overweight, indoor cats.
The disease has various causes including bladder stones, infection, and urethral obstruction. Stress can increase the risk of FLUTD.
The disease has various causes including bladder stones, infection, and urethral obstruction. Stress can increase the risk of FLUTD.
- Difficulty and pain urinating (seen as straining and crying when trying to urinate).
- Frequent, small amounts of urination
- Blood in urine
- Urination outside of the litter box
- Excessive licking of genitals
- Loss of appetite
Treatment: Diagnosis of feline lower urinary tract disease can be difficult because this disease has many potential causes. A urinalysis can be used to assess the urine and inform proper treatment. For example, feline lower urinary tract disease caused by a urethral obstruction will require surgery to move the blockage. However, in most chronic cases, a change in diet can be very helpful in managing lower urinary tract issues; your vet can prescribe a special food. It’s also important to increase your cat’s water intake by feeding her canned foods and by adding water to her meals.
A urethral obstruction in male cats is serious potentially fatal. If your cat seems unable to urinate, or is urinating in very small amounts, take him to the vet right away! |