Petition to End the cruel consumption of cat meat in China!
In parts of China, cats are regularly stolen from their owners and barbarically slaughtered for human consumption. It is estimated that in southern China's Guangdong province alone, which has a population of roughly 113 million, people consume 10,000 cats every day. In total, roughly four million cats throughout China are tortured and killed every year. This must be stopped.
Organized cat-collectors snatch cats off the street, many of whom are family pets still wearing their collars. They are forced into tiny cages and transported long distances without food or water. Many of them suffer from broken limbs. The slaughter and preparation of these cats is often unregulated, and consumption of the meat is linked to infection and other diseases.
While two cities in China have recently banned the consumption of cat meat, it is not enough. There must be a countrywide ban to stop this cruel practice now. Sign this petition urging Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai to speak out against these atrocities and to help put an end to this egregious practice immediately.
Organized cat-collectors snatch cats off the street, many of whom are family pets still wearing their collars. They are forced into tiny cages and transported long distances without food or water. Many of them suffer from broken limbs. The slaughter and preparation of these cats is often unregulated, and consumption of the meat is linked to infection and other diseases.
While two cities in China have recently banned the consumption of cat meat, it is not enough. There must be a countrywide ban to stop this cruel practice now. Sign this petition urging Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai to speak out against these atrocities and to help put an end to this egregious practice immediately.