Join the Opposition to Australian Cat Culls!
AU to Cull 2 Million Cats
Update (Aug 31, 2021): ACR mailed a letter of protest to the AU Minister for the Environment, Threatened Species Commissioner, and Ambassador to the US. Excerpts from the letter can be found on the petition page, via the button below.
The Australian government wants to rid the continent of feral cats through a cull of two million animals. This plan was introduced in 2015 and is still in action! Speak out against the government-sanctioned shooting, poisoning and bounty-killing happening right now.
Help Stop the Culling of Cats on Kangaroo Island
Update (August 9, 2022): Following the Kangaroo Island Landscape Board's killing of 61 cats in what they call their "winter blitz," and reports that the Board is preparing to kill many more during their "feral cat baiting season," we sent a letter to the Kangaroo Island Council CEO protesting the cull. Please read the full letter HERE.
And continue to share the petition! We will update the CEO when if we reach 5,000 signatures! The Australian government and environmental groups such as Kangaroo Island Land for Wildlife are now persecuting cats on Kangaroo Island with more fervor than ever before. Click the button below to learn more and to sign ACR's petition against the culling.
Protect Managed Community Cats from Being Killed in Australia's ACT
The ACT Cat Plan makes TNR illegal and unsocialized cats that cannot be taken into a home are to be hunted and killed, all in a misguided effort to protect ACT wildlife from cat predation.
Sign our petition for ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr, signifying your support of these exemptions. |