Sample Letters/Emails ACR believes an important part of our mission to protect all cats involves advocating for humane management practices and laws. ACR has run many successful campaigns on topics such as trap-neuter-return, wildlife poisonings, research testing and more.
Our campaigns are not always focused on public policy. Sometimes change comes from people themselves instead of our legislators. Our "Fix the Family" campaign focuses on educating the public on trap-neuter-return and working to sterilize all outdoor cats, not just the kittens.
People who want to advocate for cats can get involved in multiple ways.
Sample Letters/Emails
City Council letter/email for TNR
Government letter/email against Animal Testing
Cruel company letter/email option 1
Cruel company letter/email option 2
Cruel charity letter/email
Compassionate company thank you letter/email
Compassionate charity thank you letter/email
Sample Petitions
TNR Petition
Our campaigns are not always focused on public policy. Sometimes change comes from people themselves instead of our legislators. Our "Fix the Family" campaign focuses on educating the public on trap-neuter-return and working to sterilize all outdoor cats, not just the kittens.
People who want to advocate for cats can get involved in multiple ways.
- Read up on ACR's current campaigns to learn more about current cat advocacy issues.
- Use our sample letter to send to local city council members and the sample petition to gather names of your community residents in support of cats and TNR programs, to convince city council and other local government groups to take the humane approach to managing feral cats. At the same time, use ACR’s factsheets to establish and implement a TNR program in your community, while addressing common residents’ complaints about feral cats.
- Use our sample letters (see below) to tell companies and charities that continue to test on animals, that you will not purchase their products or support them until they take a clear stance against such cruel and unnecessary practices.
- Use this sample letter to help voice your protest against vivisection to government decision makers, so that animals will be protected under the law and such torture will someday be a thing of the past.
- Call your representatives and senators and tell them you care about protecting both pet and community cats.
Sample Letters/Emails
City Council letter/email for TNR
Government letter/email against Animal Testing
Cruel company letter/email option 1
Cruel company letter/email option 2
Cruel charity letter/email
Compassionate company thank you letter/email
Compassionate charity thank you letter/email
Sample Petitions
TNR Petition